I’ve put together my 10 killer interview questions for hiring a project manager. Next time you have to recruit someone for your project team, why not try some of these?
These interview questions will help you sift through your pool of candidates and find the best fit for you.
First question: Explain how you have implemented/how you would implement portfolio management across a business. How successful was it?
A good project prioritization process will allow you to strategically align your resource allocation decisions while delivering more successful projects.
Organizations that invest in proven project management practices waste 28 times less money because more of their strategic initiatives are completed successfully. And, in our latest research, only 27 percent of organizations report low project management maturity.
Earlier research projects were focused on studying PMO roles and functions, the effective way of its implementation within organizations, and its effect on performances.
Examples are provided from a consulting company where we develop our staff’s consulting skills to meet our federal government clients’ specific project management needs and where we support staff career development in project management consulting.
This QUICK TIP GUIDE is based on the insights of seasoned PMO leaders. We invite you to use this guide as part of a conversation with your peers as you consider how to expand the value your PMO can bring to your organization.
PMO Concept 2022. All Rights Reserved.